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As we come into Easter Week each day I will have a poem from John 13. This powerful chapter set in the Upper Room as Jesus and the disciples celebrate Passover has many powerful messages starting with Jesus demonstrating the leadership model for the Church – that of servant leadership, one which the disciples struggled to comprehend – indeed many of the words spoken by Jesus that night were incomprehensible to the disciples. As we take time to contemplate Easter may we not ease into a familiarity with the story, but rather consider the implications and the cost of discipleship. It is time to not only sing songs such as the Servant King but to consider what it is to serve the King.


John 13 vs. 1-11 – Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet

Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his Father he had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth, and now he loved them to the very end. It was time for supper,                                

Jesus knew not only what lay before him, and he knew the disciples weren’t ready for him to be from their lives be removed

As they reclined around the table after a long and tiring day, they couldn’t comprehend what Jesus was to suffer

They had been on a high coming into Jerusalem, Hosanna in the Highest! The crowds called, and they were moved

Yet a few days later they were about to see how things would change, and for them things were going to get tougher

In the next twenty four hours, one would betray Jesus, one would deny him, others would through be fear be scattered

Yet Jesus knowing all this desired to share with them his love to the very end, now it was time for supper


And the devil had already prompted Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus, Jesus knew that the Father

Had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God.

Jesus was carrying an awful lot on his mind, yet he was determined that he would follow the will of the Father

He could have asked for the cup of suffering to be taken away and God could have given him the Nod

Jesus had all authority and he could have defeated his earthly enemies by the sword and taken things much further

But he knew the bigger picture that victory over sin was more important and he was in tune with God


So he got up from the table, Took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin

Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.

For him to do this was to take the form of the lowliest servant and do a job treated in that time with utter disdain

It was also unnecessary as all their feet will have been cleaned when they had entered in

So in doing this Jesus’ intent was to demonstrate to the disciples’ leadership and he did this to show and explain

That greatness is not in being served, but in serving and he showed this emphatically to them


When Jesus came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus replied,

“You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.”  “No,” Peter protested, “you will never ever wash my feet!”

Peter knew that for Jesus to wash his feet was far beneath his Lord, and he was uncomfortable and surprised

He couldn’t understand the purpose of what Jesus was trying to do and couldn’t bear the thought of Jesus washing his feet

Sometimes we too face things which to us are so far our of our conditioning and belief that we are perplexed

We need to seek God in these times and know his plans, thoughts, and ways are higher, we should his will always seek

For his plans for us always have a purpose, a future, and a hope we have to in God trust and understand

Sometimes it’s easier said than done, we need to be careful we like Peter don’t protest, “You will never ever wash my feet!”


Jesus replied “Unless I wash you, you won’t belong to me.” Simon Peter exclaimed, “Then wash my hands and head

As well, Lord, not just my feet!”  Jesus replied, “A person who has bathed all over does not need to wash,

For they are already clean, they have already at a certain point, the disciples had followed where Jesus them lead

They had heard his words, seen his actions, had been loyal to him, even if at times things they made a hash

Jesus loved them deeply and demonstrated this to them in washing their feet, but he was also doing a deeper deed

He was according to them a status of being pure and having status, in him they were clean and did not need to wash



Except for the feet, to be entirely clean and you disciples are clean, but not all of you.”  

For Jesus knew who would betray him that is what he meant when he said, “Not all of you are clean.”

Jesus was saying that he knew one of them was not wholly clean, Judas he had in view

In washing their feet Jesus made them clean, and also according them a status not previously seen

They were to be leaders, and this cleansing was a step towards what would ensue

The disciples would go on to receive the Holy Spirit and be leaders of a movement never before seen.



Mark Maffey, April 2008


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