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In this time it is so easy to be focussed on finances and on ensuring we get through as well as possible. Yet I wonder if this pulls us away, distracts us from hearing God. Do we want to lay hold of what Christ Jesus has laid hold for us. Part of the process of life is letting go of the past, being prepared to put our burdens down and allow God to work in our lives. It is so easy to be stressed by the pressures of modern living, which makes it even more important to do what Jesus did and be prepared to take time out, to go to the quiet places and spend time conversing with the Father. As we do this we can be re-empowered, re-focussed, is a voice calling to you saying “Come to me all you who are heavy laden?” Mt 11.28ff

Not that I have already attained or am already perfected, but I press on

That I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has laid hold for me

I know that I have much to learn, I need to sit at the feet of God’s Son

To comprehend what it is he has laid hold for me, to understand and see

I need to seek the Lord with all I am, and in life make him number one

For he is who I seek, I am not perfect, far from it, I can’t like him sinless be

Yet with his helper the Spirit I can seek to do his will, to in him press on

Looking to Christ seeking his face, holding in to all he has planned for me


Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do

Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forward

There is so much more I need to understand, at times life’s a zoo

It becomes so busy, that I lose sight of God time with him goes overboard

I am far from perfect, yet God loves me unconditionally even when I feel blue

He calls me to be one with him, to seek his face, and to move forward

Forgetting those things which are behind, seeking healing, pushing thru

For he knows his plans for me, his voice saying Christian soldier onward!


To those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal

Of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

I desire to march forward in time with him, with all my soul

For I have the hope that one day in heaven I’ll be with Jesus

Until that day I desire to serve and grow in him whatever the role

Nothing the world can offer compares to being one with Jesus


Mark Maffey, January 2006


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