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Isaiah 40 marks the beginning of the second part of Isaiah. Isaiah indicates to the exiles in Babylon that God can make a way to bring them back to Jerusalem. He calls upon them to recognise that their God is not unaware of their needs, their ways aren’t hidden from him and that their desire for justice has been heard. Isaiah 55 which concludes Deutero (Second) Isaiah also makes comment on God’s ways saying they are different from our ways and his thoughts different from our thoughts, they are much higher. God neither tires or wearies there is no searching of his understanding. He is acquainted with all our ways, he knows our thoughts from afar off.

His simple call on us as it was to the Israelites is to Wait upon me, that is seek God first. As we do he will renew our strength!



Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert O Israel, My way is hidden from the LORD,

And the justice due to me escapes the notice of my God?

It is easy to lose sight of me, my people, but I do not hide from you, that is My word

There are times when it is hard, when all around you is discord

When others seem to prosper, and you struggle to be heard

Where nothing seems to work, you want to through everything overboard

In your struggle you lose hope and it seems all too much, yet I am your LORD

I am waiting for you, behold I stand at the door of your life, yes there is a God


Do you not know? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD The creator

Of the ends of the earth, does not become weary or tired, His understanding is inscrutable

I am always there, always available, awaiting your call, will you call me now or later?

You try to do things in your own strength, you stumble and fall, get tired and irritable

Yet I your LORD still love you, my love for you is greater than the world’s far greater

Come to me my children; surrender to me your hassles that make you uncomfortable


He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power

Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly

It’s easy to become careworn, yet God calls to his people now is the hour

Now is the hour to call upon me, for I have much to give you, it’s given gladly

I desire for you to rise, to be mine, I am the yeast, and your are my chosen flour

I can you raise you up above your issues, I love you much, I love you madly


Yet those who wait upon the LORD will gain new strength, they will mount up on wings

 Like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary

For in coming to their God they find His presence, His peace to them He brings

I am your strength He says, but you need to admit you need me, to ask clearly

I desire to place you upon my rock; my grace and love are far greater than earthly things

You are mine, and I love you, place your trust in Me, I am the one who loves you dearly


Mark Maffey, November 2005



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