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In the last couple of weeks Psalm 119 has kept coming up as I pray for people, I really sense the time is now for people to return to reading the word, soaking in it, taking in what God desires to say to them. So often we walk with our head down, instead of walking tall, God desires that we forget ourselves and concentrate on him and worship him, as we turn our upon Jesus and look full into his wonderful face, who knows how much more he can do for us if we connect with him


Psalm 119 vs 103-105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet


How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth

Through your precepts I gain understanding; therefore I hate every false way

In this world people search for spirituality, they look north, they look south

They look to the east, they find mysticism, but it fails them day by day

They look to the west and find materialism; it fails all even our youth

They choose not to find you, they fall away, and there’ll be hell to pay

They are lost, all around them offer things, and much of it is uncouth

You call your church to be a light, tell the people that I’m the only way

Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path

People in the world are lost, you on them have compassion

You are the good shepherd, you rescue with your rod and staff

You see their helplessness, yet to them you’re out of fashion

This world holds you in contempt at you they have a laugh

Yet I Lord desire your path, to learn how to show your compassion


Mark Maffey, October 2005



When I was younger one of my favourite songs was based on Psalm 134. Come bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who stand by night in the house of the Lord, lift up your hands in the holy place and bless the Lord… It is so easy in the stress laden society to lose sight of our Lord and to forget to thank him for all the things he has done for us, again I am reminded of John 15,  10-17 of how much he loves us

You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.                                     

Take time today to Praise, Bless, Thank your Lord for his love to you which knows no bounds

Psalm 134 – Oh, Praise The Lord  

 Oh, praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD

Place him first in your lives, not second or third

Worship him, your God who stands by his word

He calls you into house, let his voice be heard

Come into his presence, be of one holy accord

Worship him, praise him, he is your holy LORD

Open your ears let his Holy Spirit be heard

Hear, contemplate, and do what is in his word

You who serve by night in the house of the LORD

Lift up holy hands in prayer, and praise the LORD

He is your God, search and meditate on his word

Take off your shoes, you stand on holy ground

Worship him with all you are, giving to your Lord

Know his presence in your lives he’s all around

May the LORD, who made heaven and earth

Bless you from Jerusalem

Our  LORD loves our praise rising from earth

He delights in all of them

As his people praise him it is like incense from earth

Will you tonight worship him?


Mark Maffey, June 2010©






In light of  Christ’s example set in the preceding verses, we are challenged by Paul to Shine Like Stars!

Philippians 2 vs. 12-18 – Shining Like Stars

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed not only in my presence,

But now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

Keep in the word; seek through the Spirit to gain understanding of it essence

Treat it with reverence and apply it precepts to your life, of its tenets do not be condescending

For God’s word to you is life giving, to both lead you, and give life resonance

His word is sound, reliable, trustworthy, its power and authority in our lives never ending

God’s desire is that we seek first his kingdom, to desire to be in his presence

For in drawing near to him, he will draw near to us and bring change and spirit enabling.

For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure,

For we are called to be salt and light, to be beacons of truth and not from it repose

For as we serve and do so as to our God, of the upward call to him we can be sure

For it is not by might, nor by power, but we God’s Spirit we can achieve his purpose

Even though we face the challenges the world present in God we can be clean, and pure

Children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life in order that I may boast on the day of Christ

Like the church at Philippi we face the challenge to be blameless in world from which sin pours

To stand on the promises of God’s word, to be prophetic in our speaking out to put God first

To love the Lord our God with all our strength, mind, heart and souls, and to love our neighbours

We like Paul need to have the desire to push on toward the Goal, to boast on the day of Christ

That I did not run or labour for nothing, but even if I am being poured out

Like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith

At times it is a struggle to stand for God, we like we’re blown and tossed about

That all our energy is being is being drained, and we feel far from safe

Remember this God in us over the world prevails, over Satan he has clout

In his word, which does not return void, but prospers we can cling, have faith

 I am glad and rejoice with all of you.

 So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.

This is the day the Lord has made, don’t be blue

The whole earth is his creation, all land and sea

Worship him, keep his promises in full clear view

Seek him while he may be found, in his will be

Mark Maffey, July 2007





I find myself pondering again the self-indulgent, independent nature of  New Zealand society, in stark contrast I believe we as Christians are called to something quite different. Philippians 2 should be focal in the way we interact with others…

Philippians 2 vs. 4-11 Having The Attitude of Christ


Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus; Who, being in very nature God,

Came to earth, not to be served but to serve, learn to be a servant to your sisters and brothers

This world says to you, look after number one, don’t care for others, for them don’t give a sod

You can be the best at others expense, don’t worry be happy, who needs to love others

Yet Christ shows us another way, the world should not hold sway, live your life in God

Did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing

Taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness

Christ the Son of God, worthy of our praise, he did not have to prove he was something

He knew his destiny, he foretold his death, what he chose was more than loving kindness

In the Garden of Gethsemane he faced the toughest choice, he did the hardest thing

He knew and obeyed his father, nevertheless thy will be done, he said, in real humbleness

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient

To death even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

He knew the impact of accepting his father’s cup he knew the painful ingredients

He was lead to Golgotha, nailed and hung for our sin, what amazing saving grace

If we are prepared to confess to him, and of him, of our salvation we can be confident

We are called to journey with him, to look toward him to continually seek his face

And gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow

In heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

We are his children; behold what manner of love he has shown to us, all we can say of this is WOW!

We can believe in him, he is our Lord, the only way, truth and life, believe what’s written in his Word

Come before him with thanksgiving in your heart, worship him, Christ the Lord not some holy cow

Praise the name of Jesus, he is your rock and fortress, stand on his promises, truly he is Lord!

To the Glory of God the Father

For it is the Father who gave his Son

We should remember this as we gather

Worship the three in one, Father, Spirit and Son

Holy, Holy, Holy, worship them nothing else is better

To abide in them may we be one as they are one


Mark Maffey, January 2006



God is worthy of our praise, in modern worship it is so often about lifting up our hands, being hallelujah focused, looking up to God. There is a place for exuberance and I must admit to enjoying being one who enjoys this, equally there is a place for quietness, for humbleness, for getting down on our knees before our God, for reverence, all of which the Lord requires. Over the past few weeks I have been re-acquainting myself with the powerful judgement scene in Micah 6, and again have felt challenged by verse 8 – he has shown you o Man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you … but to love mercy, justice, to walk humbly with your God.

This psalm gives many of the characteristics of God, he is the rock of our salvation, Great God, King above  all other Gods, everything belongs to him, he is the shepherd we are the people of his pasture. Does this not require us to worship and bow down?

Psalm 95 vs. 1-7 – Come Let Us Sing For Joy To The Lord

Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation

Let us come before him with worship and thanksgiving and extol him with music and song

For as we come into his house he is worthy of our praise, our love and adoration

For it is as we turn our eyes upon him, and focus on him we can let go of that which is wrong

The things which surround disappear when we give to him our praise and confession

He desires that we reach toward him, that we seek what is on his heart through music and song

Through quietness and prayer, God stands at the door and knocks we need to let him in

Let us come before him with worship and thanksgiving and extol him with music and song

For the Lord is the great God, the great king above all Gods. In his hands are the depths of the earth,

And the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it; and his hands formed the dry land

All creation is his, he formed and made it, yet he knows us each by name, even from before our birth

He who made the seas and mountains also uniquely formed and first loved us, he does us understand

He is the shepherd who knows our every need, who protects and guides us as we journey on this earth

We need to hold into that which he has promised us, for he formed us, and his hands formed the dry land

Come let us bow down and worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;

For he is our God, and we are the people of the pasture, the flock under his care

He knows us each by name and is acquainted with all our needs is our caretaker

We need to know his voice and follow his commands and to keep to him near

For if we draw near to him, he will draw near to us and we can know our Maker

And the plans he has for us which give us a future, about us he does really care

Come let us bow down and worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker

For he is our God, and we are the people of the pasture, the flock under his care

Mark Maffey, August  2008


David cried out to God, he needed a clean heart, renewing of a right spirit within him, he knew he needed to purged and cleansed, overwhelmed by the depth of the sins he had committed, he wanted to get back on track. He wanted to be in communion with, be in a restored relationship with his God.

The words of an older song come to mind ” The righteous shall compass me about, for he has dealt bountifully with me”  We need God’s compass to guide and lead us, his word is a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our path. Without his help, without his grace we are consigned to a place of wandering, like sheep without a shepherd, scattered. When Jesus saw people like this his immediate response was “compassion” . Everyone needs compassion.. but we must recognise first that we have to hand over to God all that is not right, to humbly acknowledge our sin, to be prepared to repent, turn around and walk more closely with our God .

Psalm 51 vs. 10-13 Create In Me A Clean Heart 

Create in me a clean heart, O God

Renew a right spirit within me

You know my wrongdoings, my sin, LORD

I am your child, with you I need to be

You call to me, be honest, don’t run with the horde

Your word, I have come that you might be free

I kneel at your cross, I cry forgive me LORD

Renew a right spirit within me


Do not banish me from your presence,

And don’t take your Holy Spirit from me

Without you I am nothing, you’re my life essence

From you I have no desire to run or flee

I desire to be your child, my praise to you incense

In your presence is where I desire to be


Restore to me again the joy of your salvation

And make me willing to obey you

Mould me and shape me a new Godly creation

Help me to be at one with your view

Pour me out to others as your libation

That I may bring others to know you


Then I will teach your ways to sinners

And they will return to you

In you they can find they are winners

Your desire is to see more than a godly few

To see maturing in spiritual beginners

As they worship, they give you your due.


Mark Maffey October 2005  (NLT)

Our LORD is worthy of praise, he is powerful, mighty, able to destroy, overturn and collapse nations, yet he is also merciful, can you hear his voice, it is both loud and quiet, in your busyness, he may be calling you to stillness and quietness, can you hear his voice?

Psalm 29 vs. 1-8  – The Voice of the LORD in the Storm.

Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name; worship the LORD in holy array.

For your Lord is worthy of your praise, he is all powerful in width breadth and length

He is able to see your every need, understands when your life is in mess and disarray

He knows your every thought from afar off, knows the things you face in all their breath

He alone is able to give you his right hand; lift you up out of the horrible pit, the miry clay

Yet we try to do things on our own, to be independent, to struggle in our own strength,

Lift up your eyes, change your focus, seek and worship the LORD in holy array.
The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders,
The LORD is over any waters, the voice of the LORD is powerful,

The LORD is the LORD of all creation capable of ripping things asunder

The LORD is awesome in his majesty, his power is wonderful

Nothing can stand in his way; he is worthy of our worship and wonder

Listen; open your ears and hear the voice of the LORD is powerful

The voice of the LORD is majestic; the voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
Yes, the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.

That which seems mighty, tall and strong, are weak, he can overcome leaders

He overturns the haughty, brings them to submission

Those that think they can rule the world, in the radiance of his light are conceders

For none can stand in his presence, he destroys the cedars of Lebanon

 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, and Sirion like a young wild ox.
 The voice of the LORD hews out flames of fire

 He can destroy anything that stands in his way, blows off their sox

Turns them from hatred to worship with harp and lyre

Every knee will bow, every tongue confess of him, they can’t him outfox

People will sing his tune, he’ll become their desire

The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness;
The LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
Tremble in his presence, and consider this

 He is able to do all and destruction unleash

Yet he calls us to listen to him for we are his

In stillness and in the storm, his voice is fresh

Walk out of your boat, move to him, do this

And he will lead you and show his love afresh.

Mark Maffey, November 2007


John is given seven very clear, distinct for the seven churches in Asia Minor. His key issue with the Church of Laodecia, was their lukewarmness. It is a clear warning for the church in NZ as well, the time has come to hot, their will be a sifting of the wheat and the chaff, people need to be prepared to listen and learn and have substance to their faith, lest they be blown away

Revelation 3 vs. 15-22 – Message to the Church in Laodicea/NZ

“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the

 Other, but since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!                   

Have you not seen, have you not heard, there is no searching of God’s understanding, don’t you see?                

He neither tires or gets weary, he knows all you do or don’t do he sees all from north to south

From East to West nothing is hidden from him, he is all-seeing, all-knowing, he will forever be

This is not a time for fence sitting, there will be a winnowing, a sifting, of the couth from the uncouth

The wheat from the chaff, is your faith in God such that you will withstand this and with God be

For you were born for such a time as this, be hot or cold, or else God will spit you from his mouth

You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you

Are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked so I advise you to buy gold from me                  

Money can’t buy you love, money can’t buy its way into the Kingdom, keep this firmly in view                                 

Are you prepared to put God first, to seek first his kingdom and its righteousness, to in God be?                              

For it as you are prepared to seek him with all your heart that he can of his plans for you                                       

Begin to reveal for he needs us to hear him when he says I advise you to buy gold from me                                                          

Gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me                                   

So you will not be shamed by your nakedness and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.                     

The things God wants us to see are the things that we have to change and with his eyes see                                   

The plans and purposes he has for us, which are for good and not of evil which will come to be                            

He alone can give us a future and a hope that will not be destroyed, even greater than we can see                       

God desires that we are pure, untainted by the world, will you let him in and change what you can be?

I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in,

 For in order for there to be change in your life, first you need to give God precedence                                               

 To not only say come in but open yourselves to his Spirit and step away from your sin                                               

You need to accept the change, it might be painful at first but God will see your diligence                                            

And if you pray about everything you will know his peace, open your life door, he will come in

And we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me                                          

On my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.                                                            

For behold what manner of love my Father has bestowed on you so you can sit with me                                           

For through my death and resurrection you can be called Children, God’s own                                                              

I will lift you up to my banqueting table, my banner over you is love, come sit with me                                                 

Hear my voice caIling to you, I stand and knock, listen do not me disown                  

“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit                                                                                                           

And understand what he is saying to the churches.”                                                                                                           

Be still like Elijah listen to the still small voice, wait and sit                                                                                                    

Listen to what he says and then do what he urges

Will you trust and Obey? You can’t do what you thinks suits                                                                                    

But you must do according to God’s word and what it urges   

Mark Maffey, October 2008


John Chapters 13 -17 cover the last night before Jesus’ betrayal and as Jesus does his best to explain what is going to happen there is one imperative that comes through “If you love me, keep my commandments”. Anything we do in our lives should be because we understand this truth, we did not first love him, but he first loved us, and has appointed us to bear fruit and fruit that will remain. If we are to be fruitful, that fruit must come first out of our love for him.

John 15  vs. 10-17 –  Love One Another

When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love; just as I obey my Father’s commandments           

 And remain in his love .I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy.                                    

For it is as you obey his commandments you will have clarity; life will not be filled with ritual requirements               

Rather the new covenant gives to us status as his children, his presence in our lives we enjoy                                    

Jesus simplified the law, to love God with all we are and love others as ourselves his clear commandments             

By this shall all men know you are my disciples, by your love one for another, he said, clear as day                   

People will see me through your actions, if you have not love, they are empty and without commendment             

For it is only as you remain in my love that people will see me in you and be filled with my joy                                                                                      

Yes, your joy will overflow! This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way                                          

I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.                                        

We live in an age which is selfish rather than selfless and out of other affairs we stay                                          

Where to show a little kindness is not common, and with the world we tend to blend                                                   

Yet Jesus’ call to us is to be his disciples, to show his love, not expecting others to pay                                                 

Jesus’ promise to us we will be filled with joy if we are prepared to give to our friends

 You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide                  

In his slaves, now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.                                                 

Jesus called his disciples his friends, he confided in them, and called them to in him stay, to in him abide                             

He shared everything that his Father had told him, he did his best to teach and get them to see                                      

That which was going to happen, the value of the new life he was offering, yet from him they would turn aside                   

Peter would deny him three times and weep bitterly, the others would in the face of opposition flee                                  

Holding onto our faith in uncertainty and doubt is the biggest challenge we face, we need to with Jesus side                 

Believing that he is the only way, truth and life, hold onto his word, to continually in him trust and be

You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father                 

Will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.                                     

Jesus chose the disciples and he chose people recruitment consultants would suggest take no further                           

Jesus sees not as the world sees, but he sees the inner person, knows who will storms weather                                              

And will stay the race of faith being witnesses to and of him, fruitful people who other lives make better                    

For they understand that he first loved them, and out of that know how to love each other.

Mark Maffey, April 2008



The psalmist was aware of the character of God, a God who:

  • Forgives all our sins and heals our diseases
  • He redeems us from death
  • And crowns me with love
  • Who fills our life with good things
  • Gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly
  • Compassionate and merciful,  slow to anger

He is worthy of our praise!

Psalm 103 vs. 1-9 – Let all that I am praise the Lord!

 Let all that I am praise the Lord with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.

Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me

For he is worthy of my praise he is Lord and without him my life would not be the same

He knows all about me, my every word, deed and need, in him I need to live and be.

Focussed on what he requires, he is worthy of my all, in him I wont’ be put to shame

This world doesn’t see him or what he does, but I know his love and him want to see

For his love for me is higher than any other, he first chose and appointed me by name

To bear fruit, fruit that will remain, I will praise him, I will not forget all he does for me

He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love

And tender mercies. He fills my life with good things my youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

I am weak but he is strong, I need to wait on him and hear his voice as he speaks from heaven above

It is easy to get tangled up in this world and the vices it offers, God questions us is it legal?

Is it what I have called you to be, listen to me, don’t get caught up in worldly games of push and shove!

But focus on what is right, I alone can change your heart, renew your strength like the eagle’s

The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly.

He revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel.                                                                    

The LORD detests, abhors unrighteousness and injustice for it people pay dearly                                                                

They will not prosper in their way even they think they can find the holy grail                                                                               

As Ecclesiasties 1v 2 puts it their endeavours are meaningless, meaningless, really                                                                            

God is righteous and just and he showed that clearly to the people of Israel                                  

The Lord is compassionate and merciful slow to get angry, and filled with unfailing love.                                            

He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever.                                                                                        

The reality is that if we try to do things in our own strength we will fall and need his love                                                             

If we are prepared to confess our sins he will them wipe over                                                                                                   

For he is righteous just to forgive our sins and will clean us and we will know his love                                                          

Our response should be to give him praise for he loves us forever!

Mark Maffey, July 2008


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