Feed on

In this age of consumerism “keeping up with the Jones’es” and the advertising which exhorts parents to spend $100’s on their loved ones it is too easy to lose sight of the reason for the season. Indeed many people have no understanding of what Christmas is really about.  The following poem reflects on this topic


The Greatest Gift of Christmas Morn



Jesus my saviour, you came to us, Emmanuel, to earth

Not in glory, but in a manger, in humbleness of birth

They came to see you; the barn was your holy turf

The wise men came with gold, frankincense, and myrrh

The angels spoke to the shepherds, it is you they prefer

The shepherds though fearful, went, they did to you defer

LORD again we come to Christmas, life it is a fast frenzied blur

We hear your call stop and come into my presence hearts astir



To this world we announce a son is given, a child is born

Jesus is his name, in his light we face a new dawn

Your word, your truth too many needs to be borne

This world needs to hear it, like a resounding horn

In the commercialism of their world people are worn

Yours, the greatest gift, needs to be opened Christmas morn





Mark Maffey December 2004


HI all

Following on from 1 Kings 19 and hearing the still small voice of God, what does it mean to be still and know that God is God?  Psalm 46v10 is a favourite verse of mine “Be Still and Know I am God” it then goes on to say I will be honoured By every nation, I will be honoured throughout the world.

When I look at the nations of the world very few are honouring God. In New Zealand Herald’s sideswipe 4/12/08 there is a copy of a Tui Ad ” Let’s take a moment this Christmas to think about Christ” Yeah Right! Someone has obliterated the right on the billboard, suggesting Yeah we should think about Christ.  Garth George Pg A13 NZ Herald 4/12/08 in an article with the sub heading ” Nine simple virtues are all New Zealanders need to make a difference” makes some sobering remarks “Yet while religious belief was once the tie that bound us together, over the past three decades religious affiliation has dropped like a lead balloon. That’s what you get for trying to tell others how they should livee – anger, resentment, bitterness, frustration and, in the end of the alienation” being one he counterbalances this by observing how political correctness had created in many a victim mentality and that we blame others for all that happens to us, in other words we live in a world where our rights are most important, and we take no responsibility for our own actions. He states” Where has that got us? It has created among us a large group of people who spend their lives in anger, resentment, bitterness, frustration and ultimately, alienation, which breeds broken marriages, fatherless children, veneral disease, child abuse, violence, disrespect for others’ person or property, overfilled jails, declining economic output and an ever-widening gap between the haves and have-nots” 

I find myself saying “Preach it brother!” In the early 1990’s I heard John Jamieson, Commissioner of Police and he pointed then to the way the civil rights movement and the love generation had turn the focus towards individual rights, and while there were some important and necessary changes in that time, that the focus had moved to corporate rights, to personal rights and had  bred a “ME” generation which in wanting everything they could have as of right, had lost the understanding that rights are not something given for nothing, that they are a privilege, and with privilege comes responsibility. What we are seeing in our society is people who are unprepared to take responsibility for their actions, who have little self-respect let alone respect for others and their property. 

Garth George unlike many commentators makes what I see as a judicious and timely suggestion as to we can right the good ship New Zealand, and get all of us sailing in the right direction. I quote ” The answer is simple: if enough of us are prepared personally to live the sort of lives that are attractive to others, then in a generation or so we will have repaired much of the damage that has been done. If we set personal standards for ourselves and do what we can to live up to them, then others might be encouraged to do the same. And all it requires is a commitment to nine virtues. They are: patience, kindness, generosity, humility, courtesy, unselfishness, good temper, integrity, and sincerity”

His list is not unlike the fruits of the Spirit and does provide us with a template to follow the golden rule ” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  one of the other things we must consider is that God will be not be mocked, he will be honoured, there will come a time that every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. We need to trust God, and part of the trust has to be that we don’t try and do our own thing, run ahead of him and try and be self-sufficient rather God calls us to come to him and confess and ask for his help.

Psalm 46 vs. 10-11 – Be Still, and Know That I am God


“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honoured                                                         

By every nation, I will be honoured throughout the world.”                                               

God’s command to us is Be still, yet we often run ahead                                                        

Of him, doing our own thing, thinking we have it sorted                                                       

He calls upon us to stop, be still, we do the opposite instead                                                

We go full pace, to bound up in our own busy, frenetic, world                                             

Do we honour God by doing this? No! We need to follow his lead                               

Today will you hear his voice he will be honoured in this world


The Lord of Heaven’s Armies are here among us                                                                                                   

The God of Israel is our fortress.
He is our strength, our shield, it is he who arms us                                                            

Yet do we call upon him in our mess?                                                                                    

Often he is our last port of call, yet he knows us                                                                 

And all our ways, be still, enter his rest                                                    

Mark Maffey, June 2008


How do we hear the voice of God? Partly it is as stated in previous posts meditating upon the word, and seeking understanding. It is also by being prepared to listen for God. As much as we would like God to speak to us in ways that are visible like winds, storms, earthquakes, quite often as Elijah found out it is via his still small voice. So often we run away from God, get bound up with our own real and imagined issues. Is God calling to you where you are at, asking the same question he asked of Elijah, “What Are You Doing Here?”

1 Kings 19 vs. 9-13 – Elijah In the Cave

Then he came there to a cave and lodged there; and behold, the word of the LORD came to him,

And He said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD,

Elijah had destroyed the prophets of Baal and then fleeing Jezebel’s wrath, Elijah was all in

Tired, dejected after 40 days he came to the cave, ready to cave in, then a question the LORD had a word

Elijah had done what the LORD had told him to do, he had been zealous, over Baal had a win

Yet he was under threat, his life was at risk Jezebel wanted him dead, he was really being put to the sword

Elijah came to a cave, damp, dank, and dark, weather beaten, uncertain, hungry and thin

The word of the Lord came “What are you doing here, Elijah, He said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD,



The God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant, torn down your altars

And killed your prophets with the sword and I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

Elijah had lost focus, lost sight of God’s power, his faith receding, his trust in God did falter

He saw what he wanted to see, tears obscuring that which God desired wanted him to do and say

Despondent, afraid, what can I do in the midst of my enemies, what can I do to them alter?

For they are going to kill me, I’m the only prophet left, and they seek my life, to take it away


“So He said,” Go forth and stand on the mountain before the LORD” And behold, the LORD

Was passing by! And a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks

The LORD sees all our needs, understands our fears, he is worthy of our trust, he keeps his word

Sometimes we expect God to do things in certain ways; we look for the big things that will blow our socks

We expect big things; we want to see signs and wonders, yet no eye has seen nor ear heard

No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him, despite us, opportunity knocks

To do that which he has appointed us to do, whether it be what we imagine or not, it is to be obeyed

For God does not always reveal himself in winds which rend mountains and break into pieces the rocks



Before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD

Was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire;

We look for a sign, it’s not a big arch with a “M”, yet how often do we stop texting and read the word?

My word is a lamp unto your feet, a light unto your path, yet how much do you it desire?

It is life giving, will you sit, will you read, will you consider, listen and then act on what you’ve heard?

Don’t expect me to shake you or light a fire underneath you, often I am not in the fire



And after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave and behold, a voice came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

What are you doing here? Have you heard God whisper, heard him call, or are you to busy to be still, is God about?

God is always there, like the father waiting for the prodigal to come back to him, God knows and is beside you


Mark Maffey, December 2007



Joshua 1 vs 5-9

Hi all following on from Psalm 1 in Joshua 1 we see God’s promise to Joshua as he takes on the mantle of leadership of Israel. As part of this God calls upon Joshua to meditate upon the book of the law day and night. We too need to know God word, to us and for us. As we chew over and search the scripture God will give us the guidance and clarity we need, we can be like the tree plant in living water.


Joshua 1 vs 5 -9 God’s promise to Joshua


No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life,

Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you, I will not fail you or forsake you

You are my child in whom I have faith you’ve stood by me in much strife

You have seen with my eyes and have not lost sight of what I have in view

I am faithful to you, I am Jehovah your provider, and I value your life

I know you faithfulness and courage, that is why I have chosen you

Listen to me closely despite times when moaning and murmuring are rife

Be obedient to all that is in my word, I will give you what you are due


Be strong and courageous for you shall give this people possession of the land

Which I swore to their fathers to give them, only be strong and very courageous

You will face hard battles, but I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

I will empower you so that your can lead your people in a way that is contagious

They will see your strength and your courage and step out to take the land

You are my chosen leader, be steadfast, be strong, be very courageous


Be careful to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you

Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go

Have care in all you do follow the law which Moses gave, it will help you keep me in view

In order to keep on the path and not be distracted focus on me, and I will you the land show

I am determined to see my people inherit the land, you must lead them, and you are their cue

Be strong and courageous, follow my word, don’t hesitate and I will give you the Land. Go!


The Book of the law shall not depart from your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night

So that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it

I call you to meditate, muse, ponder, read aloud my word, let it sink in; you’ll keep me in sight

I want you to read my whole law, so you know it all, not just a bit

Then you will be able to speak my truth to my people, they will see your authority, know its right

You will see much action, but you will need to have time to read and sit


For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success,

Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous?

Obedience and reliance on my word are keys to your success, I promise nothing less

You are mine, and I love you and as you follow me, I to you will be gracious

I am with you, you will win the land, and prosper, everything you do I will bless

Don’t let success go to your head, remember to worship me with your praises


Do not tremble nor be dismayed

For Your LORD your God is with you wherever you go

Trust me your fears will be allayed

I am with you every step; I will you the right way show

My law is your light; your faith will be repaid

As you go forward into the land, be brave, my favour to you I show


Mark Maffey, November 2005  (NASB)


Psalm 1


This is my first post. Poetic Licence is my blog which is focussed on providing people with meditative Christian Poetry. In this ever increasingly busy age it is becoming more and more important for Christians to be in the word so that they may engage the world.

Psalm 1 is a good starting point we need to be a people who know what it is to be like the tree planted in living water

Psalm 1 – Delight in the Law of the LORD


Blessed are they who walk not in the counsel of the ungodly

Nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful

For they know that what the world offers is not of Christ’s body

It challenges their every belief; it seeks to hurt and is deceitful

They know God’s love, like a mother hen, God of them is broody

God knows them all, shows to them, his grace oh so wonderful


The Godly delight in the Law of the LORD

And his law they meditate day and night

And as they seek God, they are in one accord

Together in this world there is a battle to fight

The word of God polished in them a two edged sword

In the name of Jesus they pray, demons flee at the sight

The Lord calls his people come meditate upon my word

As you do you will see anew my power and might


God’s people shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water

That brings forth its fruit in its season

Their lives in him to be lived fully, not a half or a quarter

His people know him, everything he does has a reason

His people need upon his word do more than loiter

And to remember they are his salt and light every season


Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper

For they imbibe open, soak in, drink, receive holy water

God commands be my disciples, love one another

Every one of you is mine, each of a son or daughter

Come to me, drink of my Spirit, freely given, without quarter

I called you to bear fruit that would remain and prosper


Mark Maffey, October 2005

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