Where your heart is determines what you focus on and how you live out your life. If we trust God first with all our heart he is enabled to guide us and direct our path.
Proverbs 3 vs. 5-8 – Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding
Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths
The world searches for understanding in divergent ways without comprehending
Yet of God it knows little of Him it scorns and laughs
We are called by him to tell his word, it seems hard to share to a world not listening
God will one day soon separate wheat from the chaff
Is your lamp light, are you ready? God is calling and he will be you to the world sending
Listen to him, for he has plan, he will direct will your paths
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, Fear the LORD, and turn your back on evil
Then you will gain renewed health and vitality
On Jesus be your focus; be like him, humble, prepared to be a servant, open to his Godly will
As you seek him, seek him first in absolute fidelity
For he knows your heart, he knows your desires, he wants you, and in you his Spirit to instil
If you place your trust in him, you’ll find a new reality
Mark Maffey, October 2005