As Christmas nears, and I ponder billboards proclaiming there is no God on buses, and St Matthew’s in the City billboard and the rapid abyss into full scale secularism in New Zealand, I turn back to the message found in Isaiah 9. Unto us a child is born, a son is given – Emmanuel – God is with us! May you have time to be reacquainted with the Saviour this Christmas.
Isaiah 9 vs 6-7 For Unto Us A Child Is Born
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given
And the government shall be upon his shoulder
He comes to earth to live and die so our sins may be forgiven
You need to come to him; his love will make you bolder
As you confess to him, and of him, his Spirit will you enliven
And place upon you heavenly armour you will be a soldier
And as you claim God’s victory, Satan will be from you driven
Profess to the world that Jesus is LORD! Do it bolder and bolder
And his name shall be called wonderful
Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Worship him will all your heart, he will be your all in all
Let your praise of him, your love for him never ever cease
He has come that you might have life, life to the full
Come to him, he will in you his Holy Spirit release
Of the increase of his government and peace
There will be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom
God will take pleasure, his support of it will never cease
He will impart greater depths of his heavenly love and wisdom
His kingdom has come, and will never end, on it there is no lease
His love is great; he calls us his children to be joint heirs in his kingdom
To order it and establish it with judgement and justice
From that time forward, even forever, the zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this
God is faithful and true to us he does not put us on ice
He is faithful and just, righteous in all his ways, we must have faith in his promises
He is our protector, our stronghold in whom we trust, listen to his advice
For his kingdom and his power will never end, he is Emmanuel, God with us.
Mark Maffey December 2005