Driving into work this morning at 6.30am I was reminded that when it is dark we need light to see where we are going. Even more so in a spiritual context we need to have a light unto our path, we need direction. The source of that light is undeniably God’s word, and in order for us to comprehend that we need to do two things, first to open the word and actually read it, and secondly to ask God that through his Spirit he may guide us in understanding what he is wanting to say to us. The Psalmist understood not only the importance of knowing God’s word but also the importance of living in light of that word. May God’s word by a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path this week
Psalm 119 vs 103-105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth
Through your precepts I gain understanding; therefore I hate every false way
In this world people search for spirituality, they look north, they look south
They look to the east, they find mysticism, but it fails them day by day
They look to the west and find materialism; it fails all even our youth
They choose not to find you, they fall away, and there’ll be hell to pay
They are lost, all around them offer things, and much of it is uncouth
You call your church to be a light, tell the people that I’m the only way
Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path
People in the world are lost, you on them have compassion
You are the good shepherd, you rescue with your rod and staff
You see their helplessness, yet to them you’re out of fashion
This world holds you in contempt at you they have a laugh
Yet I Lord desire your path, to learn how to show your compassion
Mark Maffey, October 2005
(Verses from NRSV)