Every day I speak with people the topic of busyness inevitably comes up. Are we becoming too busy for own good, for our own God? If we desire to see God move, if we desire to see the Spirit rekindle and relight our churches, then we need to make the first move. The first move is to hear God’s call: come back to me my people, are you prepared to be led by me your good shepherd, to sit beside still waters, to have your souls restored, to be led in paths of righteousness for my names sake?
Are we becoming a bit like the Mad Hatter, are we going to be late for an important date? Are we going too fast to hear the voice of God, what is God trying to say to you… perhaps it is this?
Have you got a second?
Have you got a second?
Sorry just off to a meeting
Have you got a second?
Sorry I’m just in the middle of reading the paper
Have you got a second?
Sorry I’m on the telephone
Have you got a second?
Sorry I’m off to pick up the kids
Have you got a second?
Sorry I’m in the middle of something can’t it wait?
Dear God haven’t heard from you lately
Where’s my life going, why aren’t you saying anything?
I’m busy, but I need to know what you’re doing
Aren’t you out there, are you listening?
My life’s blurry, whirring, going before my eyes
Can’t you see me, are you there God?
My dear child, I am here, I keep knocking
My dear child, I keep saying, have you got a second?
Have you got a second? Have you got a second?
You see I have something to say to you today
Have you got a second? Have you got a second?
Child I have searched you and know you,
I know when you sit and rise
I perceive your thoughts from afar
I discern your going out and your lying down
I am familiar with all your ways
I know even before you say a thing what it is completely
I created your inmost being
I knitted you together in your mother’s womb
I saw your unformed body as it was weaved
I have ordained all the days of your life
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
My thoughts of you my dear child are precious
They are without number, my dear child I know you
I know your every need, have you got a second?
Mark Maffey, 1994